Get Involved

You can help HHC achieve its goals by donating time, services, goods and money.

Trekkers in Nepal
We welcome volunteers, both in Nepal and around the world. Medical treks in Nepal have been an important means for our friends to contribute to our efforts. You can also volunteer to or participate in other activities that support HHC’s activities. Of course, we are pleased to accept donations of money, supplies and equipment. Our administrative and fundraising costs are only about 10% of our revenues, an extremely low percentage. In other words, almost all of the money that is donated to HHC goes to the people that need it. If you are interested in donating medical equipment or supplies, or in working with HHC, please contact us for more details. Each year we host a number of fundraising events. These are chances for the friends of HHC to get together, share stories, get a report on recent activities, and learn more about what we are doing. It also helps raise funds for HHC. We also encourage our friends to host sales of the JeevanKala crafts made by our Nepali artisans. These sales are a great way to introduce your friends and family to HHC; the proceeds from all sales go to generate income for the artisans and to support HHC’s programs.

Hearts In The Himalayas